Makers to your Left<<<<
4 Makers Here!!
More at my Maker site "Sojoe's Secret"
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Please visit!!
I have a couple of Wonderful Mentor's that have helped me above the call of duty! Thank You Girls! Your the BEST!!!!
Deb at "Dollzbliss" has just been a Godsend! It's Great to have smart Friends!!
These Girls are so talented! I've been a Big Fan for some time now!
These are just a few of the Wonderful Sites that have shared their Art!!
"Lynnes Designs"-"Media Builder"-"Dutch Mood Swing"-"Butterfly Web Graphics"-"Pure Confection"-"Outlawdesign"
Links to these sites and more on my "Dollmaker Links" page!
< Makers to Your Left <
"Welcome Maker"
"Card Maker"
"3D Maker"
"Stuffed Toy Maker"